My little man is such a hoot, I mean seriously a total character! I have fears that he will be the class clown... but hey somebody has to fill that role huh? Kidding, kidding... I know that he will know how to at least control his goofiness! A few stories of the last week...
Griffin loves to dip... he dips everything from his chips to his waffles (in applesauce)! He loves the process of dipping, and he loves the dip by itself! So the other night we were at CampoVerde (my fav restaurant!) with our friend Heather and out of nowhere she busted out laughing and said, "Um you might want to stop him!" I look over and he has picked the bowl of cheese dip up and is DRINKING it! I said, " Griffin, you can't drink that!" and he said, "Yes I sip it!" Cracked us up!
The other night while me and Griffin were driving around, he was getting kind of bored with all my errands, so I told him to tell me a story. He started to tell me the story of The Three Little Pigs... "the pig in the house and the wolf go hoooooo hooooo HOOOOO (blowing sound with his mouth) and pig run run run!" and I asked, "Where did the pig go?" and he said, " Go car, vroom vroom, and say bye bye wolf, see ya soon!" Love him! Since then when I ask him where the pig went he has said "to Griffin's house" and " to other house and wolf say hooooo hooooo HOOOO!" Awesome!
One more... So Griffin had some ravioli the other night and we had taken his shirt off so he wouldn't get red sauce on it. When he was done, there was red sauce all down his belly and Alec said, "Wow Griffin you got red sauce all over your belly!" and Griffin responded, 'YEA! Go Red Sox!" Hahaha! Always got baseball on the mind!
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