On Memorial Day weekend our dear friend Heather, who Alec and I met in college, and her sweet daughter Maelea, who was born on the same day as Griffin, came down to visit us from Tennessee! It was a fun filled, jam packed, three day visit... and when it was over we were very sad to see them go and Griffin has told me everyday since they left how much he misses Maelea... makes me wish we could see them more often or that they would move back to Texas!! Ah well, we truly had a blast as I am sure can be seen in the pictures from our weekend! We went to several parks, the ZOO, the children's museum, had their pictures taken at JCPenney's, and just found fun where ever we went!
Snack before going to get pics taken!

Are they not the cutest?!?! Oh they are!

Griffin reading Maelea a bedtime story!

The ZOO!

Doing some art, sharing so nicely!

Making popcorn!

Eating popcorn and listening to Heather read a story!

At the museum!

On Memorial Day we stumbled upon some free fun at a park!
We got to ride on the blue choo choo!

Get some balloon animals!

And dance to the music!
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